Monday, 7 December 2009

Flat tent...!

Hi this is post 2 worried oif I write a long one and lose connexion I have to start again
Nightmare when we got downlast night from Camp 1 my tent had been flattened by a freak gust of wind ripped broken bust... the guides tent has been flattened by a huge catering thing like a polytunnel which was ripped up into the air and landed on their tent which will be our tent above base camp it hasn´t ripped but their poles are all bent and bust so they are trying to fix them i think they can. whe we got to camp 1 yday it was blowing a gale and we helped another group put up their tents Larry my guide laept on one of them as it blew away!! and saved it but they lost one God it was windy. Any way my poor tent is in a sad heap we slept i akitchen tent last nighyt I was lucky that some amerecans who we came up with rescued it otherwise all my stuff would have blown away.
Any way sunny day warmsih but guess what windy and all good otherwise so love to all and don,t worry I am really feeling well and chllenged but in a good way!!
all love J XX

1 comment:

  1. rooting for you jb, tent drama sounds awful.sending you tons of love and energy, although sunds like your energy levels are pretty high xxx ross and darrel
